Sunday, June 10, 2007

Egg Sort of on My Face- or -Backpedaling

Photo ©V. Wells, 2007.
Remember that rant last week about the ROM's Crystal? Well, I still maintain its exterior is as suitable as a leopard skin thong on the David, BUT I went to see the interior and [ahem] fell in love with it. I still had to fork out for the privilege, but I took advantage of the time this week when it would be empty, so that I could see what the space was about. I have to admit it is beautiful, and it gives several nods in some spots to the old building. I wasn't the only person taking photos, and I heard only positive responses. I wonder if its architectural power and integrity will be lost once artefacts fill the galleries? If you go, a caveat: they have a nice new expensive gift shop filled with items with which to remember your visit. So, in terms of judging a book by its cover, as Yosemite Sam would say, 'that'll learn ya!'.

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