Movie Night Recoms
I was watching Marie Antoinette recently, thinking 'This soundtrack reminds me of the one in Lost in Translation'; sure enough (I had popped the dvd in without much study), it was another Sofia Coppola film (2006). Definitely not for my mother's crowd; she would have a fit at what had be "done" to this quirky period piece. It had been recommended to me precisely because its focus was the visuals rather than plot. Like Translation (2003), Coppola used the technique of dampened audio, which has various effects on the audience. Also lost to the traditionalists would be the use of current American accents and vernacular language, mixed in with the sensibilities and expression of the time. A completely cool film. But I love anything different; there is no room or time for boredom. Half a box of popcorn to my next recom, 49Up (2006), which I used in my continued study of the series in my classes. My students and I felt there had not been substantial change from 42Up, so while it was a wonderful film in and of itself, the series does seem to be lacking momentum. What was so eagerly awaited seemed a bit flat. I wonder if director Michael Apted will pursue this longitudinal study and how many of the participants will continue with the project. So, definitely worth watching for its sociological importance, but don't expect the shake ups encountered between, for example, 35Up and 42Up. I plan to watch the director's interview to hear his views.
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