Sunday, December 16, 2007

Kids' Stuff

Two things for kids this week:
I was referred to a group called the Go Fish Guys, and they have some worthy music for children that goes beyond the usual potty-training and monsters subjects. You can check out various things on their site at but one song I liked was It's About the Cross which you can find on their index of sample mp3 clips along with other Christmas songs: . I like the fact that they don't dumb things down for kids.
Also of note is a hot-off-the-press book (I was at a launch by the author) which I bought as a Christmas present for certain young people I know (can't ruin the surprise here): Jim's Grandiose Big Bible Picture Book. What is different about this one is that it is witty (yay! something unboring about the Bible for kids!) and it has a pretty cool, age-appropriate key at the back about symbols and references. A good stepping stone for the 8-12 age group in terms of Bible acquisitions. Good fun. You can find out more about Jim Paterson's book and order it via or .

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