Sunday, September 23, 2007


Oh my gosh--this is an amazing film. Every time I reflect on it I get goosebumps. This movie, directed by Paul Haggis (2004), is a wonderful challenge to one's belief system. It is about racism, sexism, social status, deviance, power and authority--pretty much all the juicy sociological topics you can think of--but it examines every side of the coin, if you see what I mean; there isn't just black and white, if you'll pardon the pun, but many shades in between. It is full of irony, redemption, ruined dreams, horrific things and divine intervention. Crash reminded me of Magnolia in many ways, although this movie is completely heartbreaking and very poignant. Makes a great stocking stuffer for the humanists and the bigots on your list. Honestly. It should be discussed widely.

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